The PDFfiller API allows its users to build applications that interact with PDFfiller over the HTTP REST methods. All API communications are SSL – encrypted and must be made over HTTPS protocol. We recommend using an SSL version higher than 3 and a TLS version higher than 1.0. For authentication, we support OAuth2 authentication with password and authorization_flow grants. JSON is returned for all API responses except file downloads. PDFfiller provides API client libraries for specific languages to help convert API objects to the language format.
The PDFfiller REST API allows you to build applications that interact with PDFfiller service to create fillable forms, send e-signature requests, fill out documents, collect the submitted data, and perform other complex functions. All API transmissions are SSL-encrypted and must be made over HTTPS protocol. We recommend using SSL version 3 and above and TLS version 1.0 and above. PDFfiller supports OAuth2 authentication with password and authorization_flow grants. JSON is returned for all API responses except file downloads. PDFfiller provides API client librariesfor specific languages to help convert API objects to that programming language's format.
API base URL
API request URL includes API version and object. For example:
PDFfiller API provides the following features:
– allows users to share a document by a link, which can be seen, filled out and submitted instantly by their recipients. The fillable documents can be embedded to your site or accessed directly from PDFfiller.
– allows users to send a document for recipients' signature. PDFfiller manages full document workflow including signer notifications, authentication and signature collection order from multiple recipients.
– allows filling document templates with pre-defined fillable fields. Template fields can be populated by custom data.
– event-triggered callbacks. HTTP REST requests are sent to custom URL upon completion of specific user actions, such as document filling or signatures.
– unique tokens assigned to fill requests to identify signers and associate custom data, which can be retrieved by API call or returned with callback.
These guides have been designed to demonstrate the advantages of integrating PDFfiller endpoints in three simple steps:
For the purposes of these guides, we will utilize standard parameter settings so that you can begin implementing the best solution for your documentation needs in as little time as possible.
Whether you want to create, upload, sign, or send a document, you'll need an access token to utilize PDFfiller's API.
Step One – Retrieve your API Key:
Login to your PDFfiller account and Navigate to:
Select the “API Settings” Tab and copy your API Key
Step Two – Create a Document Template or Upload a Document:
Navigate to our API Documentation and select 'Document' in the reference section on the left.
Click the 'Create a new document template' bar. Then, in the developer console on the right, select 'Switch to Console'. Now your screen should match the image below:
Click the 'Headers' submenu of the developer's console, under the 'Authorization' field, replace the 'AccessToken' text with your API key.
Click the 'URI Parameters' submenu and select “Add a new query parameter”.
Replace the 'New item' text with 'file'.
Then replace the 'null' text with the URL of your document (.pdf).
Upload the document of your choice via url. For the purposes of this guide, we will use a blank NDA form.
Paste the URL into the field and change 'null' to 'file'.
Now click the 'Call Resource' button.
Scroll down in the console to confirm the operation completed successfully. A 200 response indicates that your document request was successful.
Upload a file from your computer:
curl -X "POST" "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_FROM_STEP1" \
-F "file=@/path/to/file.pdf"
Upload a file via URL:
curl -X "POST" "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_FROM_STEP1" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{\"file\":\"\"}"
A success response from the API will contain information about the created document template:
"id": 1111111,
"name": "file.pdf",
"type": "pdf",
"created": 1457373425
Step Three – Choose Your Endpoint:
Now that you've created a document to be filled, you'll want to send it out. To do this, scroll down to the 'Body' section at the bottom of the console to retrieve your document id and copy it to your clipboard:
Open a new tab in your internet browser and proceed to your MyBox at where you should find your newly imported NDA form.
To begin adding fillable fields to the form, click on the green 'Add Fillable Fields' tab located in the upper-right of the PDFfiller interface:
Now that you've finished adding your desired fillable fields, copy the new document id located in the address bar:
For every fillable field you add, you'll need to assign a field name which will be noted when sharing the document. To do this, click on the fillable field you wish to name and under the 'Add Fillable Fields' tab, select 'Advanced' and scroll to the 'Database Field Name' bar:
Populating the 'Body' field:
Switch back to the PDFfiller API tab and add the fillable fields with their Database Field Names to the 'Body' field with the text you would like to populate the fillable field with, for example:
Scroll down in the console to confirm the operation completed successfully. A 200 response indicates that your document request was successful.
Now switch back to 'MyBox' at your PDFfiller tab and confirm that your desired fields were completed in your updated document:
See the LinkToFill or SendToSign quickstart guides for distributing Fillable Forms to your recipients.
Now that you've created a document to be filled, you'll want to send it out. To do this, scroll down to the 'Body' section at the bottom of the console to retrieve your document id and copy it to your clipboard:
With your document id and API Key, select 'LinkToFill' in the reference section on the left. Then click on 'Creates a new document and shares it via short url'.
Click the 'Headers' submenu in the developer's console and under the 'Authorization' field, replace the 'AccessToken' text with your API key.
Click the 'Body' submenu and paste your document id over the existing number:
Delete all of the other text so that only your document id information remains.
Click the 'Call Resource' button.
Scroll down in the console to confirm the operation completed successfully. A 200 response indicates that your document request was successful. Scroll to the bottom of the console to fetch your document's shareable URL:
You now have a link to your fillable document which may be used to share with your recipients.
Now that you've created a document to be signed, you'll want to send it out. To do this, scroll down to the 'Body' section at the bottom of the console to retrieve your document id and copy it to your clipboard:
With your document id and API Key, select 'Signature' in the reference section on the left. Then click on 'Create new sendtosign request'.
Click the 'Headers' submenu in the developer's console and under the 'Authorization' field, replace the 'AccessToken' text with your API key.
SendToSign supports two signature request methods:
sendtoeach – a document is to be signed individually.
sendtogroup – a document is to be signed by multiple recipients.
Whichever method you choose, it will be necessary to modify the field properties.
For 'sendtoeach' you'll need to modify the body field properties (using the below example). Be sure to edit the fields highlighted in yellow with your own credentials:
"document_id": 123456789,
"method": "sendtoeach",
"security_pin": "standard",
"sign_in_order": false,
"recipients": [
"email": "",
"name": "John",
"order": 1,
"message_subject": "Digital signature request from API Testing Letter",
"message_text": "Please sign and return the linked document with PDFfiller",
"date_created": 0,
"date_signed": 0,
"access": "signature"
Scroll down in the console to confirm the operation completed successfully. A 200 response indicates that your document request was successful.
For 'sendtogroup' you'll need to modify the body field properties (using the below example – contains two recipients). Be sure to edit the fields highlighted in yellow with your own credentials:
"document_id": 123456789,
"method": "sendtogroup",
"envelope_name": "EnvelopeAPI",
"security_pin": "standard",
"sign_in_order": true,
"recipients": [
"email": "",
"name": "John",
"order": 1,
"message_subject": "Digital signature request from API Testing Letter",
"message_text": "Please sign and return the linked document with PDFfiller",
"date_created": 0,
"date_signed": 0,
"access": "signature"
"email": "",
"name": "Jane",
"order": 2,
"message_subject": "Digital signature request from API Testing Letter",
"message_text": "Please sign and return the linked document with PDFfiller",
"date_created": 0,
"date_signed": 0,
"access": "full"
Scroll down in the console to confirm the operation completed successfully. A 200 response indicates that your document request was successful.
PDFFiller API authentication is based on the OAuth 2.0. security framework.
OAuth 2.0. is a protocol that allows your application to request authorization to private data in a user's PDFfiller account without getting their password.
The first step in the authentication process is to obtain an API key, or access token, from the PDFfiller server to authorize access to the API. The OAuth 2.0 framework provides a number of methods for obtaining the access token from the PDFfiller authorization server. The simplest way of getting the API key for a registered user is to click on the API Settings tab on the PDFfiller developers page.
The API key is shown in the Security section. Copy the API key and insert it into the HTTP header “Authorization” to send requests to PDFfiller's server:
“Authorization: Bearer API_KEY”
API Key must be included in the HTTP “Authorization” header with every API request along with “Bearer” token type. You can refresh the API key by pressing REGENERATE KEY.
OAuth 2.0 allows your app to request authorization to access documents and other information in a PDFfiller user's account and to perform PDffiller operations on behalf of a user.
To start with OAuth 2.0 authorization flow, you need register your application in PDFfiller API Settings. Upon registration, app is assigned a ClientID and Client Secret, which will be used to authorize against PDFfiller and to obtain authorization grant.
Open My Apps section in API page on PDFfiller website and click CREATE NEW APP button.
Fill the form and click CREATE APPLICATION button.
- name to identify your app
– brief description of the app
OAuth callback Url
– callback URl where authorization grant will be returned after successful authentication
Note Client ID and Client Secret . You will use them later in your authentication process.
From your app you need to redirect your user to:<client_id>&redirect_uri=<redirect_url>
Users will be asked to login to PDFfiller if needed. Following authorization dialog will be presented to user:
When AUTHORIZE button clicked, user redirected to REDIRECT_URL from application setup with issued authorization_code :
Now, you can use authorization token obtained in the Step2 to obtain your authorization grant
curl -X "POST" "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d "{
\"code\":\"<your code>\",
\"client_id\":\"<your client id>\",
\"client_secret\":\"<your client secret>\",
The OAuth 2.0 code grant flow allows issuing access tokens on behalf of users. It means that your application can request authorization to access documents and other information in a user's account and perform PDffiller operations on behalf of this user. In this case, the authentication process has several steps. To start the OAuth 2.0 authorization flow, you need to register your application or client in the PDFfiller API Settings. Upon registration, the application is assigned a Client ID and Client Secret, which will be used to send an authorization request to the user's PDFfiller account and obtain an authorization grant.
Generally, OAth 2.0 provides a number of methods, or grants, which allow the application to get the access tokens. PDFfiller API uses three types of authorization grants: authorization code grant, resource owner credentials grant, and refresh token grant.
Authorization Code Grant
The scheme of authorization code grant flow is as follows:
The application redirects the user to
with the following parameters in the query string:
client_id with the client identifier
redirect_uri with the client redirect URI
The user authorizes the application to access the account, and the authorization code is returned to the above mentioned redirect URI with the following parameters in the query string:
code with the authorization code
uri with the
The application sends this authorization code to the PDFfiller authorization server and receives an access token:
grant_type with the value of authorization_code
client_id with the client identifier
client_secret with the client secret
redirect_uri with the same redirect URI the user was redirected back to
code with the authorization code from the query string
The authorization server will respond with a JSON object containing the following properties:
expires_in with an integer representing the TTL of the access token (i.e. when the token will expire)
access_token the access token itself
refresh_token a refresh token that can be used to acquire a new access token when the original expires
This grant type is used for confidential applications. The process of acquiring the access token can omit the specific steps from the authorization code grant scheme.
Resource owner credentials grant is recommended to use only with trusted first party applications. To obtain an access token, the application asks the user for their authorization credentials (user ID and password). When the credentials are received, the client sends the request to the authorization server:
grant_type with the value password
client_id with the client's ID
client_secret with the client's secret
username with the user's username
password with the user's password
The PDFfiller authorization server responds with a JSON object featuring the following:
token_type with the value Bearer
expires_in with an integer representing the TTL of the access token
access_token the access token itself
refresh_token a refresh token that can be used to acquire a new access token when the original expires
As we can see, this flow has fewer steps than the previous one. The client requests the access token from the PDFfiller authorization server and includes the user's credentials into this request. Finally, the third type of the grant is a refresh token grant.
Eventually the acquired access token will expire. However, your application can receive credentials which allow getting a new access token without sending requests to the resource server. The refresh token is issued by the authorization server when the current access token expires. The refresh token is included in the process of issuing the access token. The flow of sending requests to the authorization server is as follows:
grant_type with the value refresh_token
refresh_token with the refresh token
client_id with the the client's ID
client_secret with the client's secret
The authorization server responds in the following manner:
token_type with the value Bearer
expires_in with an integer representing the TTL of the access token
access_token the access token itself
refresh_token a refresh token that can be used to acquire a new access token when the original expires
Before choosing what grant type to use, take into account these two main factors: the type of the application (first party or third party application) and the experience you'd like for your users.
curl -X "POST" "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_FROM_STEP1" \
-F "file=@/path/to/file.pdf"
Save document ID from the upload response
"id": 1111111,
"name": "file.pdf",
"type": "pdf",
"created": 1457373425
"method": "sendtoeach",
"document_id": DOCUMENT_ID_FROM_STEP_2,
"security_pin": "standard",
"recipients": [
"email": "",
"name": "john",
"message_subject": "Digital signature request from API Testing Letter",
"message_text": "Please sign and return the linked document with PDFfiller",
"access": "full",
"require_photo": false
| curl \
-i \
-H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_FROM_STEP1" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d @- \
Save signature request ID from the response
curl -X "GET" " \
-H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_FROM_STEP1" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
curl -X "GET" " \
-H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_FROM_STEP1" -o file.pdf
curl -X "GET" " \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN_FROM_STEP2" -o file.pdf
curl -X "POST" "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_FROM_STEP1" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{\"file\":\"https://some.url/somefile.pdf\"}"
Save ID from the JSON response for further steps
curl -X "POST" "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_FROM_STEP1" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{\"document_id\":\"DOCUMENT_ID_FROM_STEP2\",\"access\":\"full\",\"status\":\"public\"}"
Save document_id and url element values from the JSON response. url is a publicly accessible fillable document which you can share with others. When a document is filled out or signed by somebody, you are going to receive email notifications. document_id is ID of a fillable form created by the fill request. You can also register callbacks (See to receive automatic REST HTTP callbacks for a document signature or filling events.
curl -X "GET" "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_FROM_STEP1" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Save id of the document item from the response
"items": [
"id": 56900,
curl -X "GET" "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_FROM_STEP1"
*Note, you can also attach a callback to a specific document to receive a REST call notification to a custom URL when form filling is complete. File content will be sent back in the response body
Upload a PDF form to PDFFiller website to create a fillable template and to define fillable fields using Web Constructor. This tutorial describes how to use Fillable Constructor:
When a form is created, save project ID (i.e. DOCUMENT_ID ) of the created fillable template: Click 'More -> Project Info ' in MyForms on PDFFiller website or request this info through the API.
Now you can use FillableTemplate functionality of the API to populate this template to generate filled forms. See API call examples in the next section.
curl -X "GET" "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_FROM_STEP1"
curl -X "POST" "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_FROM_STEP1" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Currently, we support these fillable fields types: Text, Number, Date, Checkbox (or RadioButton ) We use the following JSON format to fill forms:
"document_id": "DOCUMENT_ID",
"fillable_fields": {
Now you can download the generated form or use SendToSign API to send it for signature.
curl -X "GET" "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_FROM_STEP1"
File content will be sent back in the response body
Embedded JS Client allows to embed fillable documents directly to your site in an iFrame. The documentation below describes setup steps and requirements for the embedded LinkToFill flow. Note: By default, The API app domain name in OAuth Callback Url indicates where the Client can be opened. Embedded JS Client will only works on pages from this domain. To manually specify the domain name, please go to App Settings, scroll to the Embedded JS Client section, and type the domain name in the Access Domain URL field. You can also use the Allow All Domains checkbox to place the Embedded JS Client on any domain. The iFrame checks that the parent window belongs to the domain associated with your app. If it does not, the PDFfiller page will show “Domain verification failed” error message in iframe.
Before you start doing anything, make sure the following steps have been done:
<script src="//"></script>
client_id: "application-id-created-by-step-1",
url: "your-link-to-fill-url",
width: "(optional) width in pixels, recommended 960",
height: "(optional) height in pixels, recommended 600",
events: {
opened: function () {
//Function triggers when iframe is opened
error: function () {
//Function triggers if error occured
closed: function () {
//Function triggers when iframe is closed
completed: function () {
//Function triggers when LinkToFill form is filled
in_progress: function () {
//Function triggers when editor starts loading
parameters | info |
client_id | Your application_id from step 1 |
url | A LinkToFill URL you’re sending. It should be publicly accessible when you create the document. |
width (optional) | Recommended 960 px |
height (optional) | Recommended 600 px |
events.opened | Function triggers when iframe is opened |
events.closed | Function triggers when iframe is closed |
events.error | Function triggers if error occured |
events.completed | Function triggers when LinkToFill form is filled |
events.in_progress | Function triggers when editor starts loading |
Obtains an authentication token based on provided Client ID and Client Secret.
Obtains an authentication token based on provided Client ID and Client Secret.
Retrieves a list of uploaded documents.
Creates a new document template via multipart. The filename must contain integers, English letters or special characters:( ) _ . Also, the filename extension should be .ppt; .pptx; .doc; .docx; or .pdf
Retrieves information about a created document template.
Updates the information for a document template.
Deletes a document template item.
Share your document via URL
Downloads a document template.
Downloads a zip archive of document signatures.
Creates a new share link to a document.
Callback notifications are unavailable for document authors saving edits via their Constructor link.
Retrieves a list of hash.
Deletes one share link to a document by hash.
Deletes all share links to a document by id.
Previews a document template.
Populates a fillable form template which was created with the PDFfiller editor.
Retrieves a list of all fillable form templates.
Downloads a filled PDF document.
Get values for a fillable form.
Lists information on the fillable fields for a selected document template.
Retrieves child documents for a selected document template.
Returns a list of all document fill requests.
Creates a new document and shares it via short url.
Information about a created fill request item.
Updates a fill request item.
Deletes a fill request item.
Lists all filled forms for the given fill request.
Information about a specific filled form.
Deletes a filled form.
Exports filled form data in one of the available formats: json, xls, xlsx, csv, html.
Downloads a filled PDF form.
You can easily export all the completed documents created via LinkToFill as a zip file. This method can give three statuses: Creating a Job with Job ID, Waiting (if zip is still in progress) or Zip content (if files ready to export).
Returns a list of a LinkToFill recipient`s attached additional documents.
Returns information about one LinkToFill recipient`s attached additional document.
Downloads a file of a LinkToFill filled form`s additional document.
Downloads a zip-file of all LinkToFill filled form`s additional documents.
Identity tokens is a mechanism which let's to associate any information with specific user action, such as form filling or signature. Token functionality is popular for use cases when customers would like to uniquely identify users without creating multiple accounts in PDFfiller.
Sample Token workflow
curl -X "POST" "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer gasyus67ahtytwentj" \
-d "{\"data\":{\"user_id\":\"1323\"}}"
Get hash value from the response
"id": "2",
"hash": "gFu5rZsEZFeRRENOS635U6PA",
"data": {
"user_id": "1323"
Generate Fillable Form and share it by link as described in fill requests examples.
Send urls to your users along with associated tokens, i.e.<token_hash>
Once form is filled by user, it will be associated with token and you retrieve form information along with user identification data through API to identify users:
curl -X "GET" "";
-H "Authorization: Bearer c5YwLKRKk6Zv1GpntjXqSCTtEVTKEa9TXy2KF1Wv"
Filled document information associated with token
"items": [
"id": 15745,
"document_id": 5034834,
"token": {
"id": 1,
"user_id": 19249055,
"hash": "sOhHRbDEqkCweFH1DrcJV64o64nv67dsds",
"data": {
"user_id": "123"
Returns a list of all tokens.
Creates a new token.
Information about a created token.
Updates a token.
Deletes a token item.
Retrieves a list of all document signature requests.
Creates a new SendToSign request. Two SendToSign methods supported: SendToEach and SendToGroup. The SendToGroup method requires envelope_name and sign_in_order parameters. Fields work only for the SendToGroup method.
Retrieves a list of all document signature requests in the inbox folder.
Retrieves a list of all document signature requests in the inbox folder.
Downloads all documents which a sender has requested your signature for in a .zip archive.
Retrieves signature request information based on the signature request ID.
Cancels a signature request for the specified SendToSign ID.
Returns a signature request certificate by signature request id.
Returns a signed document by Signature request id.
Exports signature request form data in one of the available formats: json, xls, xlsx, csv, html
Returns information about sendtosign recipients and signature status.
Adds an additional recipient to a sendtosign request.
Returns information about a sendtosign recipient and signature status.
Reminds a sendtosign recipient about the sendtosign request.
Returns information about sendtosign recipient`s attached additional documents.
Returns information about sendtosign recipient`s attached additional document.
Downloads a file of a sendtosign recipient`s additional document.
Downloads a zip-file of all additional documents for a sendtosign recipient.
Returns a list of all applications.
Creates a new application (logo via URL or multipart). Parameters for all-domains can be 0/1 or true/false.
Updates application (logo via URL or multipart). Parameters for all-domains can be 0/1 or true/false.
Lists information about the created application.
Deletes application item.
Creates a new callback associated with a specific document event.
Returns a list of callback events.
Returns information about a specific callback by callback id.
Deletes a callback.
Updates a callback.
Creates a new folder. The folder name must contain numbers, English letters or special characters: ( ) _ .
Retrieves a list of folders.
Retrieves information about a created folder.
Deletes a folder item.
Updates a folder's name.
Adds a new custom logo from URL (application/json) or multipart (multipart/form-data; boundary={boundary value}).The filename extension should be jpg, jpeg, gif or png.
Retrieves a list of added user logos.
Retrieves information about an added custom logo.
Deletes user custom logo item.
Merge up to five docs into a single document.
Render single document with fillable tags.
Switch between example and interactive console for customized API calls.
You can try selecting ‘Obtain Authentication Token by Grant Type Password’ from the left column.
To try out Console, please select an action. E.g. select ‘Obtain Authentication Token by Grant Type Password’ from the left column.